Women’s health is a critical component of any hospital’s offering. Right from puberty to pregnancy and child birth to menopause. women go through a host of health issues which need to be addressed from time to time.
The department is providing comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all female urinary and pelvic floor problems. It’s our endeavor to keep pregnancy and childbirth as natural as possible. while at the same time retaining capacity to manage all pregnancy complications.
We at lnlaks Hospital have dedicated an entire floor to Obstetrics and Gynaecology with the best-inÂ-class diagnostics, therapeutics, surgical and counseling facilities for women. It is well equipped with delivery rooms and gynaecology operation theatres with advanced, modern, and modular. HEPA filtered equipment, to cater to all types of birthing procedures.
lnlaks Hospital offers a range of services and treatments, including:
- Painless delivery and high-risk pregnancy management: This service ensures a comfortable birthing experience while providing expert care for mothers with complex pregnancies.
- Management of normal and instrumental deliveries: Our team is skilled in both; natural childbirth and assisted deliveries using instruments.
- Laparoscopic surgeries (diagnostic & therapeutic): We utilize minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques for both diagnosis and treatment procedures.
- Hysteroscopy (diagnostic & therapeutic): This service offers both diagnostic evaluations and treatment options using a hysteroscope, a thin instrument inserted through the vagina.
- Laparoscopic/Vaginal hysterectomy and transabdominal hysterectomy: These procedures involve removing the uterus, with minimally invasive or traditional approaches available.
Our dedicated team of gynecologist and specially trained nurses are committed to providing a comprehensive and compassionate approach to women’s healthcare. Our in-house Dietitian works closely with patients to develop personalized nutrition plans that promote healing and well being.
Inlaks ensures the total safety and comfort of mothers (to-be) and their children. Inlaks deals with the entire spectrum from preconception, planning, to pregnancy care, childbirth and postpartum care, thus ensuring the safest possible conception, pregnancy, delivery, and post-delivery care.
Inlaks Hospital provides a seamless journey for mothers and to-be mothers, offering comprehensive care from preconception counseling and planning through pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum support. This ensures the safest possible experience at every stage.
Obstetric Services:
- Contraceptive measures
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy
- Infertility Management
- Pain management for labour and delivery
- High risk pregnancy including diabetes in pregnancy, pre-eclampsia and hypertensive disorder, previous or recurrent pregnancy loss, preterm labor and delivery, pregnancy with cardiac and any medical disorder.
- Multi-disciplinary care, if needed in associated cardiac, mental, renal and general medical problems.
- Multi-disciplinary care for co management of high risk pregnancies with physician, anesthetist. ultra sonologist. etc.
Gynaecological Services:
- Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and other menstrual disorders.
- Management of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), fibroids and endometriosis.
- Laparoscopic assisted tubal anastomosis, reversal of tubectomy. ligation/sterilization and diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
- Screening for cervical cancers and surgery for cancers of the female reproductive system.
- Uro-gynaecology
Laparoscopic Gynaecologic Surgery procedures:
- Diagnostic Hystero- Laparoscopy is a safe procedure to look inside the abdomen and pelvis to diagnose conditions related to the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. It is a common procedure used in the management of infertility and chronic pelvic pain.
- Ovarian Cystectomy is a procedure carreid out to examine cysts(fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries.
- Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo implants itself anywhere other than in the womb. Laparoscopy is done even for ruptured ectopic pregnancy with significant blood loss, which can be life-threatening.
- Laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of mild to moderate endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus, grows outside the uterus on the ovaries, bowel, or anywhere else in the abdominal cavity.
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy {removal of the uterus}for all sizes of uterus up to30 cms size, as heavy as 2-3 kgs, even for patients with previous cesarean sections & previous multiple surgeries.
- Laparoscopic oophorectomy is the removal of the ovaries
- Laparoscopic myomectomy is done for the removal of fibroids
- Laparoscopic tubal recanalization is done for women who want to conceive after Tubectomy.
- Diagnostic Hystero- Laparoscopy is a safe procedure to look inside the abdomen and pelvis to diagnose conditions related to the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. It is a common procedure used in the management of infertility and chronic pelvic pain.
- Ovarian Cystectomy is a procedure carreid out to examine cysts(fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries.
- Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo implants itself anywhere other than in the womb. Laparoscopy is done even for ruptured ectopic pregnancy with significant blood loss, which can be life-threatening.
- Laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of mild to moderate endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus, grows outside the uterus on the ovaries, bowel, or anywhere else in the abdominal cavity.
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)for all sizes of uterus up to30 cms size, as heavy as 2-3 kgs, even for patients with previous cesarean sections & previous multiple surgeries.
- Laparoscopic oophorectomy is the removal of the ovaries
- Laparoscopic myomectomy is done for the removal of fibroids
- Laparoscopic tubal recanalization is done for women who want to conceive after Tubectomy.
Also done for clearing tubal obstruction to enable conception
- Laparoscopic surgeries during pregnancy
- Laparoscopy for staging and treatment of gynecological malignancies
A Hysteroscopy enables your doctor to look inside the uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of abnormal bleeding, using a special instrument called a hysteroscope. which is a thin. lighted tube that is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and the inside of the uterus. The difference between laparoscopy and hysteroscopy is that the former is able to view outside the uterus and the latter visualizes inside the uterus and fallopian tubes. A hysteroscopy may be done along with a laparoscopy or a dilatation and curettage. It is generally done under local, regional or general anesthesia.
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy:
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy is conducted for diagnostic purposes including taking samples of a tissue for a biopsy. It is also used to confirm results of other tests like hysterosalpingography, which is a dye test to check the uterus and fallopian tubes. It may also be done to find the cause of severe cramping or repeated miscarriages.
Therapeutic Hysteroscopy:
A process performed to treat the condition detected during a diagnostic hysteroscopy.
Hysteroscopy is done for the following:
- Fibroid removal
- Polyps removal
- Endometrial resection for abnormal bleeding, where endometrial ablation is done with a hysteroscope to destroy the endometrium.
- Cannulation for proximal tubal block
- Removal of Copper T which cannot otherwise be removed through the cervix.
- Adhesiolysis is done for adhesions also called Asherman’s syndrome, which are bands of scar tissue inside the uterus, which can cause infertility and problems with menstrual flow.